The workshops organized by the MRQA
Working Group have been forums for determining the status of
important issues, such as IOBC resolutions, and recommending
action for the future. Proceedings are available for some of
these workshops, containing general reviews, original research
papers, as well as updates of quality control guidelines. The
proceedings of the following workshops can be downloaded here
(in pdf-format):
- Vancouver, Canada (1988)
- Wageningen,
The Netherlands (1991)
- Horsholm, Denmark
- Rimini,
Italy (1993)
- Santa Barbara, USA (1995) and
Cali, Colombia (1998)
- Montpellier, France (2003)
- Vienna, Austria (2010)
- Bangalore, India (2013)
- Proceedings
of the 11th workshop at Montreal, Canada (2007) were
published as Bulletin
Global IOBC, No. 3, 2007, and are
available upon request. Please contact
Patrick De Clercq: patrick.declercq@ugent.be
- Merida, Mexico (2017)
relevant publications: